Poets |
William Stanley Braithwaite (1878-1962) was an
writer, poet, and literary critic born in Boston,
Massachusetts. He was forced to quit school at the age
of 12 after the death of his father. He wrote for many
periodical and journals, and became the literary editor
for the "Boston Evening Transcript." From 1935-1945, he
was a professor of creative literature at Atlanta
University. Braithwaite published three volumes of
poetry before his death at his home in Harlem, New York. |
Abbie Farwell Brown (1859-1927) was a
writer of adult poetry and short stories, but is best
remembered for her children's books. Many of her poems
have also been turned into songs including the Girl
Scouts' anthem. Brown lived her entire life in the
family home on Beacon Hill in Boston. Many of her books
are still available in reprint including The Book of
Saints and Friendly Beasts, The Christmas Angel,
and The Gift; a Christmas Story. |
Joseph S. Cotter, Jr. (1861-1949) was an
African-American writer and educator born in Nelson
County, Kentucky. It is said that he taught himself to
read at the age of four, yet he only completed the third
grade. Cotter would eventually get his diploma by
attending night school and would go on to be a teacher
and school principal in Louisville, Kentucky for over
fifty years. He published several books of poetry and a
book of short stories. |
Stillman J. Elwell (1894-1977) was known
as the "farmer-poet of Dryden." He spent over forty
years living and farming in rural Dryden, Michigan.
Although he only had a tenth grade education, Elwell
became known for his poems about his love of nature,
rural life, and devotion to God. He published four books
of poetry and said that his farmland grew more poems
than it did crops. |
Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965) was an English writer
of children's stories, plays, and poetry. She came from
a literary family where her father was a novelist, two
brothers were writers, and another brother a composer.
Farjeon won many literary awards and many of her
children's books can still be found in print. She may be
best known for the hymn Morning Has Broken,
popularized by singer Cat Stephens in the early 1970's. |
Dana Gioia (1950- ) is an award winning
American poet, critic, and writer who has worked to
encourage jazz and promote the arts in general. He
served as the chairman of the "National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA) from 2003-2009. His written work also
includes the libretto for two operas. |
Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959) was an American
poet who worked for the Free Press newspaper of
Detroit, Michigan, for more than sixty years. For more
than thirty of those years, a Guest poem appeared daily
in the Free Press and was syndicated in over 300
newspapers. Known as
the "Poet of the People", he also hosted a
weekly radio show in Detroit from 1931 until 1942, and
later hosted an NBC television series. Guest published more
than twenty books of poetry. New editions of his poetry
are still available today. |
George W. Jones (1888-1952) was the
beloved Episcopal priest at
Epiphany Mission in
Sherwood, Tennessee, from 1932 until his death in 1952.
Beginning in 1932, Father Jones published "The Booklet",
a quarterly report of the Mission activities. It was
here that he would write about daily life in this small
remote area of the Cumberland Mountains and include his
inspirational and spiritual writings. A collection of
his essays and poems can be found in his book
Journey. |
Stanley Kunitz (1905-2006) was an American
poet who divided his time between New York City and
Provincetown, Massachusetts for most of his life. He
received many awards and honors including the Pulitzer,
National Book Award, and the National Medal of Arts. He
served as Poet Laureate of the United States and was the
founder of the respected Fine Arts Work Center in
Provincetown. An avid gardener, he was known to have one
of the most impressive gardens in Provincetown. Kunitz
died at age 100. |
Jim Metcalf was a newspaper reporter and
columnist from Texas who is perhaps best remembered as
the writer, producer, and host of the top-rated New
Orleans television program, A Sunday Journal,
during the 1960's and 1970's that earned him a Peabody
Award for broadcasting. Metcalf was also an acclaimed
best-selling poet who published four books of poetry. He
was a writer "whose commentaries on everyday objects and
events offer a keen insight into man, nature and
ourselves". Jim Metcalf Died in 1977. |
David Morton (1886-1957) was a native of
Elkton, Kentucky, and a graduate of Vanderbilt
University. He worked as a reporter and editorial writer
for newspapers in Kentucky and New York City before
becoming a professor at Amherst and poet-in-residence at
Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts. He also
served as an English professor in the American
International College in the Azores. In addition to his
books of poetry, Morton also published a diary about
music and musicians entitled The Amateur Listener. |
Mary Oliver (1935- ) is a native of Ohio,
but has been a long time residence of Provincetown,
Massachusetts. She has published over two-dozen books of
prose and poetry. Oliver has received numerous awards
including a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book award.
She remains one of the most popular poets alive today. |
Abram J. Ryan (1838-1886) was known as the
poet-priest of the South. Born in Norfolk, Virginia, he
became a Catholic priest
serving during the Civil War as a chaplain with the
Confederate Army. During the war, he was known to
deliver sacraments to the soldiers on both sides. After
the war, Father Ryan became a popular lecturer in the
North, as well as the South. A book of his poems,
"Poems: Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous", has been
through numerous printings. |
James Still (1906-2001) was a native of
Alabama, but spent most of his life living in a log
house in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky. He was a
poet, novelist, and folklorist who is best known for the
novel River of Earth. |
David Wagoner (1926- ) was born in Ohio and
raised in Indiana, but has been a long time resident of
Washington state. The Pacific Northwest is frequently
the subject of his poetry. In addition to being an
award-winning poet, Wagoner has also published ten
novels. |
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